Rob Leatham and Larry Vickers use Direct Hit Targets at Annual 3-Day Advanced Handgun Course!
Direct Hit Targets were the primary targets used at the latest Advanced Handgun Class offered by the infamous Rob Leatham and Larry Vickers.
It was a 3-day aggressive training class designed for advanced shooters to expand their skills and train with the best in the business. The Direct Hit Target system was used for much of the class, due to the flexibility and reliability of the product.
Assisting Rob and Larry with the training was Jason Burton, Kyle Schmidt, and Chris Lapre -- a truly amazing group of talent. All are pros in their own areas of influence, but their combined skill brought these special students a level of experience in training that is nearly unheard of.
For more information about Rob Leatham, Larry Vickers and their training programs, go to:
https://www.robleatham.com/training or https://www.vickerstactical.com/about-larry-vickers.html
For more information about Jason Burton and Heirloom Precision:
For more information about Kyle Schmidt and his career:
Chris Lapre has an outstanding record and is an active member of the Pinal County Sheriff's Department.