Direct Hit Targets - Targets Made With a Difference

Direct Hit Targets - Targets Made With a Difference

When Rob Leatham decided he wanted to bring targets to a higher level, he started with the fundamentals and began the engineering process to make better targets. 

Direct Hit Targets - better by design

Working with off-road racer and engineer Greg Foutz of Foutz Motorsports, the team went to work designing components of the new target systems in SolidWorks. 3D models of the targets were drawn up and brought to life through laser cutting and CNC bending.

Bullseye target is the ultimate test of talent


"The design process was so much fun. Being able to finally get all of the cool features I have always wanted in a target system was a dream. I cant wait to show everyone the next-level products we are working on. What an exciting time."  ~ Rob Leatham.



For more information about Direct Hit Targets go to

For more information about Rob Leatham go to

For more information about Greg Foutz go to

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